Home is where the heart is . . . let’s go to your place. 

Many of us have suffered great, or glancing, wounds during our upbringing. We denizens of modern society live under tremendous pressure to succeed, compete or even keep up. This makes us less than kind sometimes. It’s a sad fact that our … Read the rest


True strength is not measured by physical prowess, but by the ability to control one’s own mind, cultivate inner fortitude and resilience through the practice of self-mastery. Self-mastery is not about suppressing or denying your desires and emotions, it is about understanding them, acknowledging them and making conscious choices that align with your higher principles.… Read the rest


Resentments, while they may be triggered by a present moment situation, are our consciousness reliving unresolved emotional pain. Our mind spins, conjuring stories of how we were wronged and how we can assuage those ills. But the flies we are swatting just out of reach were hatched from corpses of a forgotten past. All we … Read the rest


During this time of personal, social, and environmental stress, developing compassion is so important.  Yet, compassion isn’t always the first thing we think of when we feel attacked and triggered. If we unpack becoming triggered, we find we often become triggered when we feel overwhelmed and victimized. When this is the case, we most reflexively … Read the rest


I used to live life driven by expectation. Not just expectation, but outright demand. As you can imagine, I was disappointed much of the time. “It always breaks my heart in two. It happens all the time.”

That disappointment with life led to judgement, resentment, and blame. I blamed all the people in my life … Read the rest


There are times we lag, times we resist and times we flat out refuse. In these moments, wrapped in the fabric of time and space, we hold tightly, becoming an emotional black hole. With infinite density, we sink deep into the universe.

And this is a beautiful place to begin.

For absolute darkness is where … Read the rest


Acceptance is an integral step on our spiritual journey. Tara Brach and Pema Chodron, in particular, speak eloquently of its importance. In the well-known “RAIN” template, acceptance follows recognition as the foundation of mindfulness. Once we see what is happening, the important and immediate next step is to open to the experience. An essential point … Read the rest



Tonight’s discussion is about independence. True independence. Not just our yearly excuse to eat poorly, drink excessively, and blow stuff up, but the spiritual uncoupling of ourselves to the bonds that keep us imprisoned. The Shambhala Tradition references the cocoon, which is a protective enclosure fabricated by habitual patterns of attack and avoidance. Once

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I am writing this on Juneteenth, a holiday in the US that has recently become a national observance, although many states have yet to institute that. The date marks the anniversary of the legal emancipation of enslaved people on June 19, 1865.  A day we not only celebrate the independence American slaves, but also acknowledge Read the rest

Moving On

Last week we discussed letting go from the point of view of releasing our grip. We spoke about this as not being getting rid of anything, but releasing our grip on a few things so we can gain access to everything else. This doesn’t mean we dont touch on things we need or appreciate, but … Read the rest