This is more than a resolution. Its a revolution.
One day, the world may recognize the inherent goodness in nature and life.One day it may respect the equality, dignity and sovereignty of every human who suffers here. The world may one day relinquish its drive to devour itself, and see all its parts as essential to the whole. That will take resolve, but that change will be a revolution, an absolute shift in the paradigms of imprisonment to an allegiance to liberation. That will take courage, strength and patience. That will take the protection of modern day bodhisattvas – beings dedicated to the liberation of the world- who become the stewards of awakenment, working to wake up their own warrior heart for the benefit of their world.The revolution will take the gentle insistent determination to remove the ignorance that binds us to hatred. But, as change is the nature of things, once we wake up, that change will happen naturally.
We don’t have to invent goodness. We need only remove the shackles that bind us and liberate its spirit.Here is one of the greatest speeches of our time. It was delivered the night before his assassination and it is apparent that he knew what was coming. You can see it in his face and his resolve. This is the face of courage and the most direct moment of truth I can imagine. It is the face of one who had seen the possibility of a world that he could only support, but would never live to see.