Remember those finger traps? The woven fabric tube that tightens when we pull? The harder we try, the stronger its hold. Similarly, Tibetan yogis liken traveling the path to liberation to a snake moving through a tube—it cannot turn around. Zookeepers use restraining tubes to contain snakes. Unlike some of us, the snake immediately calms down. It may not be happy. But it knows not to waste its energy.
Our spiritual path can be seen as the journey to developing wisdom. This doesn’t mean moving anywhere per se’, but beyond our own obscurations. In time we see ourselves and our world more clearly. “Clear seeing” or Lakthong in Tibetan is seeing beyond our parochial ego orientation to, as Lenny Bruce said, “what is.” Obscurations blind or conceal our understanding of what we see. The preponderance of obscurations to our clear seeing are blockages in our bodies, shadows in our minds, and and blind spots in our lives. These blockages that slow or confuse progress on the path, as frustrating as they may be, are best met with patience and care. The only way through the constriction is to relax, release the struggle and perhaps begin to understand our imprisonment.
Once we enter the spiritual path, like the snake in a restraining tube, we can never turn back. This is because we can’t unsee what we’ve seen. We cannot unknow ourselves.
Fear, doubt, and worry keep us in protective bubbles. We habitually employ intellect to rationalize our imprisonment. This is not wisdom based on clear seeing, it is the re-iteration of logics that support our suffering. We assert how dangerous the world is, defining ourselves in fixed terms: These people are that way. I am this way. This self-definition may comfort us, but it also confines us. The idea of “me” is a refuge, of sorts. But it comes with limitations and constraints. Connecting with the clarity beyond “me” is unsettling because we can’t control the experience. Yet this is how we grow. Simply trying a new flavor of ice cream expands the brain’s experience. The brain thrives on growth and novelty while reiterating what it already knows reinforces its limitations.
Turning outward is both threatening and necessary. We must be brave enough to err, to feel embarrassed, to have our sense of self challenged—because this is how we learn experientially. The brain loves experiential learning more than the reiterative process of accumulating knowledge. Moving beyond our protective negativity bias, we can open to new experiences that allow the brain to build new neural pathways. But this movement isn’t always outward; it is also inward. When we feel stuck, unable to work, or trapped in patterns, we can investigate what is happening in the present. By becoming aware of these patterns, we begin to loosen their grip. Moving toward wisdom means shedding constraints that keep us from clear-seeing. It’s like peeling an onion—there is no ultimate center, but the process itself is spiritual discovery. There is no destination as much as a settling in to understanding.
When fear or doubt overwhelms us, we can love ourselves—not through distraction, but by turning inward and asking: What is going on? Conceptual knowledge often obstructs deeper experiential learning. True learning happens in the depths of experience. Even when difficult, pushing against our constraints helps us grow. Our first steps into a new paradigm may not be met with triumphant music. The first steps of a chick out of the egg are tentative, fragile, nervous. As Sakya Pandita noted, the shaft of an arrow runs true into the future—brave and heroic—while the arrowhead sits in complete panic: Oh no, oh no!
When we recognize a constraint and stop struggling, instead relaxing into it, we begin to see it. We feel the fear holding us in place. In doing so, we transform constraints from obstructions into transparent aspects of our experience. What if our struggles lost their oppressive weight and instead became part of our wisdom? I lock myself in my room and refuse to move. But when I turn inward and begin mapping the experience, I loosen its hold. It is said that negative actions create negative consequences, reinforcing themselves. The same is true of positive actions. We become obligated to these loops, whether good or bad.
In the highest view of Tibetan Buddhism, samsara and nirvana—heaven and hell—are inseparable. Any karma that perpetuates itself, even good karma, keeps us from seeing reality as it truly is. The point is to sit still and see our actions with clarity. It is said that when we fully see our activity, there is no karmic consequence. This radical statement suggests a great power in awareness. Even when our actions harm ourselves or others, simply seeing them fully is the first step toward liberation.
We move through the tube of fearful constriction not by ignoring it or lashing out , as struggle only gets us more imprisoned. But, there is a way out. Which is the way in. Instead of acting out and becoming more enmeshed, we can look inward and begin to learn who we are. Looking in is the way out. By looking into our suffering gently and persistently we come to realize that obscurations are the path. There is nowhere to go but here. There is nothing to see but our own experience. Instead of trying to get to some theoretical place, maybe we’d do well to rest in who we are, and learn what is here right now. Letting go doesn’t mean pushing away. It means letting go of our grip. Struggling is holding. Accept what is happening and relax into the tube.
There is a story of a man the Tibetans called Pema Jungne’ which means lotus born. The legend states he was born fully awakened atop a lotus flower. The image is instructional as a lotus grows from the slime and much of the lake and blooms into a grand, open awakening. In this way, the story of Padmasambhava (in Sanskrit) illustrates that the awakened gene in all life, can quicken and arise fully formed. And while the path to awakening is long and requires full acceptance and understanding of our imprisonment, awakening happens instantaneously because it has always been there. Like a lotus opening to the sun. This is not a destination. It is the ripening of our potential here and now. No matter how we try, we will never become enlightened some day. We can only become enlightened now.
It takes great humility to accept ourselves and great patience to learn to be here with ourselves. Whether it’s sitting atop the lotus, or sitting in the muck of our stuck turning in to our experience leads us out, not because we are going anywhere. But because the nature of life is change. The work of meditation practice is to surrender to now. The universe is in movement. By being here now we can surrender to that.
During a talk to his students, Chogyam Trungpa said something I found chilling. “It’s happening right now “. The effect stopped the room cold.
And that seemed to be the point.