Landing Back to Earth

Walking the emotional gauntlet of the holiday season is challenging. The holidays are often described as loving and warm, but it can also feel cold and threatening.

Incidents of familial violence and self-harm spike during this time.  Perhaps we try hard to please those we love. Maybe we get caught up … Read the rest


The Heartbreak Clash

Lord Gampopa, a seminal figure in Tibetan Buddhism, taught that we are the “working basis” of our liberation. In other words, who we are—our body, mind, spirit, work, life, and relationships—holds all the information we need for our freedom. We don’t have to look beyond ourselves. The key is to look beneath … Read the rest


Many of us were shocked by the results of the election. Personally, this was a resounding shot across the bow of my serenity and well being. The voice of the people apparently spoke to underwrite a massive upheaval of our political self-identification.

Although Vice President Harris tried to position herself as being aligned with change, … Read the rest


I would like to talk about facing tomorrow. In some cases, this could be looking directly into the face of danger – or many dangers. If we’re honest, we just don’t know.  And, it’s natural to be frightened when we are unsure of an outcome. But are we ever really sure of a future outcome? … Read the rest


The Way of the Warrior

Facing Chaos – The Way of the Warrior

We live in turbulent times. It sometimes feels like we’re in the apocalypse as scripted by Stephen King. Yet, our challenges don’t seem to be enough. When facing difficulties, we often magnify them, making them seem outsized and uncontrollable by thinking everything … Read the rest


Discovering the   S p  a   c     e   Around Us

Today we’re discussing “the gap,” a simple yet crucial principle in meditation. This concept relates to the Buddha’s Third Noble Truth—The Cessation of Suffering—which is often discussed as though it were a permanent state. However, one of Buddhism’s core principles, and perhaps a basic aspect of … Read the rest


Remembering John Lennon during the week of his birthday, I wanted to reflect on the third Noble Truth of the Buddha’s teaching—the truth of the cessation of suffering—as a state of peace.

Peace is natural to the mind. As a natural state, the cessation of suffering is readily accessible. However, peace is not a fixed … Read the rest